Sunday, January 9, 2011

GM has been very very good to me.

I've had a good day. I finished packing and got to BNA on time. Then I had a wonderful moment with Hanna, then Nathan, then Cat, at the airport. I sware to you, when you are dropped off by your family, that you won't touch again for six months, is an intense moment. I'm a little teary right now. I had a cappuccino and a football game for lunch. Tonight a steak, salad, glass of wine and a football game for dinner. This place is so full of huge TVs, I think this is where I'll watch the best of the SEC vs the best of the Pac10 in the BCS Championship game tomorrow. Even though I am in Detroit, it is hard to get my head around Uzbekistan. Wow...what an adventure!!!


  1. Miss you, dad! I'm glad you had a first good night in Detroit! The cat you forgot has piled my blankets and is now sleeping on them. :P I'll miss you and I'll text you tomorrow. Love you! <3

  2. This blog is a great idea. Hope your flights are swift, safe, and uneventful. Will be following your adventure.

  3. Thanks for sharing your UZ adventure!!! Safe travels to you :)

  4. Hope the weather doesn't do anything to flight plan tomorrow! Safe travels, and please, keep the info coming!
