Monday, January 3, 2011

Still waiting on the telex number

My traveling partner and I were all set to fly out of Detroit on January 7th.  Our flights were Detroit, Amsterdam, Moscow then Tashkent.  From there a driver will take us to Asaka.  We had to cancel those plans.  We still don't have a telex number.  This is the manner in which the UZ Government authorizes a visa.  The process goes something like this:  We get a telex number from the folks in Uzbekistan, we supply our American Express International Documents Expert with that number and our passports.  She forwards the passports and telex number to the Uzbekistan Embassy, in Washington DC.  They attach the work visas in our passports and return to us.  To expedite the process, we sent our passports to our Am Ex contact, she sent them on to her contact at the UZ Embassy, our folks in Uzbekistan pressed to get the telex number.  It was not to be.  The word today is that the telex number will be available on January 5th.  That is just not enough time to finish the process and fly on Friday.  As a result, our new plans are to fly on Wednesday, January 12th.  The flight path is Detroit, Frankfort, Tashkent.  Total time 15 hours and 50 minutes.  Since we are not leaving this week, I changed my flight to Detroit.  I'm headed that way Sunday (9-Jan).  Today, I made a pot of soup from the Christmas turkey carcus.  It was delish.

1 comment:

  1. And the adventure begins! :-) I'll fire up Google Earth and fly there. What is your final destination? Send GPS coordinates sometime because I love flying around Google Earth!
    Good luck and Oq yo'l!
