Sunday, January 30, 2011


I do have a couple of updates.  Last night I made a tactical mistake.  I left my phone on Skype because I thought Cat might call.  I did not plug it in so the battery died during the night.  I woke up in the usual "what the heck time is it?" panic, when you realize you have no alarm and don't know the time.  I plugged the thing in to find out it was still an hour before I planned to get up.  Whew!!!  Anyway, when the thing powered back up it started ringing off the hook with text messages.  Every Facebook update anyone I follow had posted for the past 2 weeks rang onto my phone.  I thought it would never quit.  It finally did.  Today I am receiving texts and I could receive a phone call.  However, please don't call unless it is an emergency.  There is no plan here so the calls are $5/minute + taxes and fees, so more like $6.  I can receive texts for free, so feel free.  Don't expect one back as they are $0.5 each to send.  I'll hit you back on FB or EM, which I can do for free.

OK, the team here gave the HP guys one last bunch of data to load before they left today.  It was supposed to be the last of the containers in the yard that were not in the system.  Then today I get an e-mail form one of the guys from HP who helped.  He said it looked like it was all duplicate data.  I got a look and agreed, that is what it appeared to be.  If the data problems weren't bad enough we now had 197 suspected duplicate shipments in the system.  I spent the rest of the day and enlisted a couple of guys to help, manually deleting all of the shipment and reject records associated with the ones I determined to be duplicates.  It really sucked!  I actually did not finish finding and purging all of it from the system until 9:00 PM tonight.  I am absolutely exhausted from mining for data.

Other than that, it was in the low 50s here today and the sun did shine in the hazy way it does here.  When the system went down for weekend processing, we wrapped up at the plant and went out to dinner.  Lamb chops at Uz Turk again for me.  Then we headed to a store.  On the way our driver got pulled over.  I have no idea why.  It looks like anarchy on the streets so I don't see any objective way a cop could judge who violated some "law".  I really think he saw a new car full of non-Asians and pulled us over, on general principles.  The driver was clearly pissed and I think he got a ticket.  He said everything was fine.  We all knew what he meant.

We hit the little store to get some snacks.  Not that we drink often but we have decided on our favorite Russian beer.  It is the one with the 7 on the label.  The 9 was too thick.  So I have more Dove and Peanut M&Ms to share at work and a beer for our next movie night.

My cold lasted about 7 days.  I plan to begin working out again in the morning.  I need to get to sleep.

Enjoy where you are.  Trust me, you are truly blessed.

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